Dear Blog land and my fellow blog-ians. What The Fuck! Yes, I’m dropping the F-bomb this fucking early into my blog. I try to consider myself a thoughtful person who if it is possible for me to help someone out I will. I would not consider myself generous as I often don’t have enough of anything to just give it away, but if someone I know is in trouble and they ask, if I have it I am more then willing to help. So obviously you have to love the foreshadowing of were this particular blog is going. My dear friend, who shall for hear on out be referred to as Jose because really he always struck as more of Jose then as a, well we will just leave it as his momma should of named him Jose. Any who Jose came to my door the other day, at like midnight, just an absolute mess, and as I am usually the proud crown holder of being the DQ (Drama Queen) of our little group, I knew something was up. Jose is not known for losing his shit for any reason. I tell him to come on in and did he want anything to drink? What the fuck is up with him? He just spills it all! I mean everything, and even though I may be pissed at him at the moment I still love him and will keep the uber personal out of this blog. Because let’s face it this blog is about me not him and if he wanted to share all those little details with the world wide web he can start his own damn blog. Anyways suffice to say it was juicy and shocking! The kind of scandal that would make hair grow out of a bald man’s head just so it curl! Anyways it came down to him and his longtime forever life mate had a huge blow out and Jose got kicked to the curb with no where to go. I immediately tell him he is sleeping on my couch till we figure everything out and it will be fine. Jose squeezes me till I see stars and I go get the linens to make up the couch bed. I tell him I’m exhausted he must be even more so and we head to our respective sleeping compartments. Why not more then 2 hours later do I hear a very ear splitting squeaking coming from somewhere in my apartment. I get up to investigate, with a baseball bat. Only to find two gay guys fucking on my couch. MY COUCH. Only Gay man fucking on that thing should be me! With the lights flipped on and baseball bat in hand Jose looks at me and says with a cheesy grin “Me and Carlos made up”. “No shit!” I say “Change the sheets when you’re done”. Friends, got to love them!