muscle bear man – Gay Porn Pay-Per-View Wed, 17 Mar 2010 22:14:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Muscle Bear Man Brings Thoughts of Relief Wed, 17 Mar 2010 22:14:20 +0000 Dear Blog Land and my fellow Blog-ians, I have noticed every time I think of muscle bears I get the alka seltzer theme song stuck in my head. Weird I know. I went back and took a look at some of my blogs and realized that when I decide to talk about my favorite subject my titles are usually to the beat of Alka Seltzer to the Res-cue! If you have no idea what I’m talking about You Tube that shit, or Google, or whatever your preference of search is DO IT! I was going to talk about the gorgeous muscle bear man working the Wendy’s drive thru today and thought you all should hear about his lusciousness and that he could man handle my spicy chicken anytime, when I started humming “Muscle Bear Man to the Rescue!”. I took a look back and saw that I had the same song stuck in my head when discussing the Doctor and Garbage Man. You would think I would have the “Trojan MAN” doot do doo stuck in my head not alka seltzer! My first thought should not be plop, plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is and thank god it’s not! It’s rather just the catchy little theme song and I like to imagine myself being rescued and whisked away by one of these amazing manly men and so far my luck has been pretty good. Crap I hope I didn’t just jinx myself with that, but hell I’m going to say it loud and say it proud! I wouldn’t say I sleep around, OK so I wouldn’t say it but some of my friends might! So any who this all started because of the hot guy who touched my chicken and my soul with his forever eyes and deep voice, and damn it I’m getting distracted again!

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