Posts Tagged ‘sex guy’

The Sex Guy Knows, He Knows Everything

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

I have decided that I should start a whole site dedicated to me and my knowledge of sex. You can call me the Sex Guy. Do you know that guy, why yes he is the Sex Guy. I can already see it. Do you remember the movie Big with Tom Hanks? If you don’t you need to go out and rent it now and get educated! Any who in the movie he goes up to the machine “Zoltar Speaks” and it is the weird creepy old looking machine with a male gypsy looking fortune teller in it and his wish comes true. Ok, so on my website I WANT TO BE ZOLTAR! Picture if you will you enter my site and are greeted by a giant fortune telling head and you ask your question. Here is were I want to mix genre’s a little, because your answer to all you need to know about sex will appear in the crystal ball but as a fortune cookie cracked open with the paper revealing the answer. Wait if I go that format though you might not get real answers. Oh, oh, wait I can be like a magic 8 ball of sex questions. Please try again later, or your future looks hazy, crap like that. It will be hilarious good fun, for me. But It will say The Sex Guy…ask and ye shall receive his wisdom, at the top of the page and wonderful shades of purple will be the back ground. Oh my goodness I’m getting excited, it will be amazing. I should make sketches! But how will I make money off this fabulous thing in which I have created, and crap how do I know I’M the first one to create this thing. Dear Blog land I guess I need to start my research if ever I wish to make my dream come true.



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