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Big Muscle Men Need Hairy Chests

I think it’s safe to say that if you have been keeping up with me and not the Kardashians, you should know I like me some big muscle men. I’m talking about the big broad chested ones that don’t feel the need to shave. I really don’t understand the shaving thing. I mean I guess I can kind of get it if you have signed up to be in a competition. You need to be able to have the judges see all the definition of those amazing muscles, and for some of you thick carpeted men out there that ain’t going to happen unless you shave. If you are not going to be competitive, though, I don’t get it. I like to run my fingers through your hairy chest as much as I do that on your head. If you are bald keep the chest hair, running fingers through hair is a great stimulant and wonderful for foreplay. Now really if you take of your shirt and you look like you are wearing a sweater, well maybe a little man-scaping is in order. Don’t get rid of all of it, but maybe thin it out a bit. I don’t want to run my fingers through it and end up fro-ing your shit to the point that I’m wondering if a person even exists under all that fur. Plus I would like to be able to see some of that muscle tone too. I mean you work so hard and creating those amazing muscles you would like a little worship appreciation done for them. Am I right? Of course I am. All I ask is you don’t go completely rid yourself of all hair, I would chase after a twink if I really wanted a hairless wonder. And that’s what I have to say about that!

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