Dear Blog land and my fellow blog-ians, what the fuck is wrong with my chicken? I swear to all that pure and innocent that my ears are not deceiving me. I almost wish they were, I even went and got my hearing check and was told I should hear better then dogs. So why, oh why, do I hear my chicken cluck “Big Cock Big Balls” all night long? It hasn’t been that long has it? I mean Hustler was only…Oh, My, God! He was over a month ago? A fucking month ago?! That is it my mojo must be gone, all dried up and dust in the wind. I think I might shed a tear for its passing. What the hell! Hustler was over a fucking month ago and I have not followed up after him. What is my problem? You may be wondering who is this Hustler that was over a month ago, and what did he do to me that I have not felt the need to be out the door ready for more. Well first of all I am ready to be out the door and looking for more and trust me not from him, I mean it was fine and all but a one night stand is a one night stand am I right? Ok so some one night stands can extend into multiple night stands but not this one. He was cocky, which was fun at first, especially when he put my hand on his junk and proceeded to tell me how he was half black from the waist down. Well with a statement like that what is a man to do but do some hands on investigating. We head back to his place, because really I don’t need him to find me later. When he strips off his shirt I fucking kid you not gangsta style lettering curved on his abs proclaiming “Hustler”! What the fuck does one do with this. So I did the only thing I could do and get me some while I could keep a straight face then roll the fuck out of there! Oh Hustler I won’t soon forget you and half black cock.