Dear blog-land and fellow blog-ians, do you ever get a rhyme stuck in your head and it just plays over and over again till your ready to smother yourself with a pillow to put yourself out of your own misery? OK, so maybe that’s a bit over the top dramatic, but really could you expect any less from the wonderful, fantastic, over the top me? I didn’t think so. So here I sit in la la land, aka my living room, getting ready to shower you with the wisdom that which flows from my brain down to my fingertips and out on to the keyboard when out of nowhere the rhyme just kicks on. I don’t know this rhyme, OK everybody knows the rhyme but my lyrics have been altered to disturb all individuals and violate their audio senses apparently. Daddy and a twink, sittin’ in a tree, F U C K I N G, first comes the pumps, then comes the jizz, then comes the twink in a……hmmm that seems to be all I can masterfully come up with, and since my lack of creativity has let me down at the very end of this little ditty it won’t leave my brain! It has been playing over and over and over and….you get the point, again until really I want to wash my brain with Listerine. I know it’s childish, but really how can you not giggle when you start to hear it in your head. What could the twink do? In the original song at the end came the baby carriage and since I don’t really see that as fitting into this more perverse twisted variation of the rhyme I’m trying to come up with something as disturbing as a twink. Oh too soon? Little to harsh on stick boys? OK, fine. Blog-land I challenge you to come up with the ending of that song, or better yet Google it for me and see if one has already been created and send me the words. I’m going to listen to Pandora or something and get something less grinding stuck in my head. Also, the answer is NO! I will not watch twink videos in order to get inspiration. You can just forget about it!