I came across a funny phrase today. Gay Blow job. I mean really we need to gt that fucking technical on whether it is a straight blow job as opposed to a gay blow job? This phrase, however got my curiosity picked (like everything does) and I decided to take it to the highway, the information super highway that is. So i Googled that shit and found that there really is no difference just depends on your orientation, but I did find that there are a lot of people who need some skills training on how to give a proper blow job and that “straight” men receiving or giving said blow jobs by gay men is a hot fantasy, meh it doesn’t really do it for me. I did pee a little when I read the beginning of one how to guide and it felt the need to explain that blowing has nothing to do with a blow job. Well except of course you got the tip wet and blow a little on it, some guys dig it. Favorite quote on how to give a proper blow job: “You should suck on it, and suck on it hard. Just as you would suck a lollipop, straw in a soda, or a cigarette for those who smoke”. Well if nothing it was very descriptive. But when suck hard you do have to remember your teeth people. I wrap my lips around my teeth and end up with some pretty nasty chewed up gums afterwords, so I read a little me to see what these “Professional” blow jobers suggest. They say the best way avoid the tteth scraping the penis is to open your mouth wider, or better yet, slightly curl your lips over your teeth. Huh, who new I should have written this shit.