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Gay Muscle Bear to The Rescue

Dear blog land and fellow blog-ians, I don’t think my Christmas wish was so hard to fulfill but apparently it was becuase almost two months later I still had the tree up. Running down each morning to check under the tree and still no big gay muscle bear man is waiting for me, what the fuck? I thought maybe it was more of a present that would arrive on Valentine’s Day then Christmas so I left the fucking tree up till then. On Monday morning, the day after Valentine’s Day I took the tree down and carried it to the curb with a sad face and heavy heart. It looked more like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree then the magnificent Douglas Fir I had bought back in December. All the needles had fallen off and were eaten by my vacuum, and I dragged it woefully to the curb for it to sit and think on how it failed me in delivering a perfect package. As soon as I tossed it on the corner I stared one more time, it was so pitiful. I couldn’t handle it just sitting there sagging on the sidewalk so pitiful and alone. I gave in and forgave the tree, because really it did the best it could. It was only a three foot tree what could I really expect from it. As I was about to turn and walk away the garbage men came. Big, strong, sexy, albeit stinky, muscle bear garbage men! One approached me and said he couldn’t take the tree, tree collection was back in January! I was all, are you freaking kidding me?! What could I do to possibly persuade them to please take the tree? And let me tell you Blog Land and my fellow Blog-ians I will find out tonight the cost of having my tree tossed.

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