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Gay Porno Hurts in the End

So today I came across an article, ok I was on twitter and someone tweeted about it, keep your Twitter hat to yourself please and thank you; anyways this former gay porn star is being threatened by his current law professor over being a former porn star. WHAT THE FUCK! Jeremy Williams aka power bottom Jay Armstrong is currently a paralegal who is very close to graduating from UL with a “near-perfect” GPA. That was until he received an email from Dr. Bryan-Paul Frost, a professor of political science at UL-Lafayette, threatening Jeremy with “consequences” for his “vulgar” career. Frost allegedly told Williams he “needed psychiatric help for working in the adult industry.” Jeremy has starred on the site Bait Buddies and in such gay porno films as Alabama Takedown, Big Muscle, and Forced Entry, a film in which he famously took a double-penetration. OK, so now if you didn’t know who he was now you do . This guy is moving on from one career field into his next and he is basically being told by his law professor that it ain’t going to happen. Really it pisses me off becuase it is a known fact that the average adult changes careers at least 3 times in their life time unless, I guess, your in the adult entertain biz apparently. I’m curious if this professor has a problem with him because he’s a porn star or because he is a gay porn star. No one even knows how this professor found out about his students past and no details on how this professor is getting away with threatening his student. Is this like a final law test before you become a lawyer? How to fight your own fight in the court room? I find it ridiculous and nail biting to find out what the outcome of all of this will bring.

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