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Ever Wonder Who Gets to be the ‘Top’ in Guy on Guy Porno?

While in most gay relationships, the sexual responsibilities seem to develop according to a natural progression into suitable roles for ‘top’ and ‘bottom’, but in guy on guy porno, where it appears that either could be the more dominant, who gets to assume to role of the ‘top’? Maybe I forget that there are guys that do want to assume the bottom position, mainly because I myself am a devoted top who doesn’’t quite relate to the pleasures that are presumably felt by those taking my healthy dose of meat in their asses, but I still can’t see how the roles are divided in gay guy porn.

It would not surprise me if the top got paid more than the bottom, just like the straight porn business where guys are paid virtually nothing due to the fact that just about any guy on earth will volunteer his body to fuck a hot porn starlet whether he gets paid or not, he’s still going to consider himself a lucky guy. Porno featuring gay scenes should, under the same rationale, pay the guy who gets to ‘put it in’ very little, while the blowjob artists and anal receivers should be rewarded for their hard work- which almost always involves not only taking a cock up their asses, but a considerably large one at that.

I might suggest that gay guy porn actors play some kind of game of chance to determine who’s on top and who’s on the bottom. Maybe they could flip a coin, or play ro sham bo, or draw straws to see who gets to be on top, or they couold even turn it into a sport and let the guys play poker hands over it, or better yet, they could duke it out in a boxing ring. That would actually be really hot guy porn: two guys sweating it out, then the winner gets to fuck the looser in the ass: how fitting. I would even pay money to watch the pre-fuck fight!

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