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The Internet has made Guys Kissing in Public Okay

The gay rights movement has become so successful, that it’s not uncommon for you to see guys kissing right out in public, and I suspect that a large part of that has been tied to the general acceptance of sex itself as a fundamental part of social life as exposed by the widespread prevalence of porn on the Internet. It was only about 20 years ago that being gay was a taboo subject outside of a few national hotspots like San Francisco and New York City, and even there, it would be rare to see guys kissing in public, and its general acceptance by mainstream culture has mirrored that of the Internet’s growth as a staple part of our everyday lives.

Perhaps it is due to the fact that people have become more accepting of adult material, including the very mention of the word sex as a topic, and so too, have they accepted that what some people are naturally attracted to varies from individual to individual, so seeing two hunks kissing for a gay man could be openly equated with the notion that a straight man would enjoy watching a girls and hunks kissing. The fact that now men, both gay and straight, are getting their porn from the same online adult media networks, has somewhat secretively given all men a common bond around the activity of seeking out and watching porn.

It might be that one key part is that men are performing together in sex scenes even in straight ‘mainstream’ porn flicks with a girl and two hunks, kissing may be left to the girl-guy exchange, but these presumably ‘straight’ men are basically slamming their balls against each other while they DP these chicks. Maybe seeing two guys kissing is still another big step away from gay porn for most, but I think there might be something to the correlation between the development of the omnipresent nature of modern porn, and our growing acceptance of homosexuality in society.

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