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To Get Them Hard, Hunks Need a Blow Job

We love muscle bound hunks: hard chiseled bodies and an ego driven attention to refining their physical physique, but especially if they are using steroids, it can be difficult to get hunks’ dicks hard. But I’ve got a little secret.

What every rock hard hunk really wants, is to feel appreciated for his dominant physical attributes, and to feel like he is powerful and worthy of praise- this caters to his male ego, and what gives him the self-confidence and prowess to align himself with the ‘top’ role in gay relationships. So what is it that makes every hunks dick stand at attention like a stiff soldier? Easy, a nice, slow, submissive blow job; even if it is his role as the top to give you that satisfaction.

Think about it, by placing yourself at his submission, you are making him feel like he is worshipped like a god, run your hands all over his body while you service his balls and lick his shaft gently to get him aroused. Play with his nipples a little, but not too rough unless he likes it like that, and start taking his dick slowly into your mouth: this should start to get him hard.

Hunks love feeling like they are the most amazing specimens of manly stature, so to the degree that you can get some words out of your mouth, praise his tight ass, sexy abs, and strong arms; and don’t stop just when you get him stiff: there’s one more trick up my ass. Once you get him hard, play with his ‘notcha’ – the area that’s notcha balls and notcha ass – with one hand, play with his balls with your other, and suck the tip of his cock hard as though you were giving it a hicky. This will pull all the blood into your hunk’s dick and make him ready for some real ass-slamming action.

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