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My Hot Guys Fucking Issues

Dear Blog land, what the fuck is his problem? Who, you might be asking yourself? What are you talking about you might possibly even be thinking? Well let me tell you the who, what, when, where, why, and how of today’s situation with the hottest guy I know and his fucking issues! This guys fucking issues are going to make me prematurely bald I swear on all that is luscious. I know I’m throwing around the big F today but sweet sunny beaches how can someone so hot be so dense! OK, ok, I shall fill you in. So the hottest man I know is sadly an ex of mine, but he is one of the rare ones that turned into my best friend. Yes, I said it friend. Why we ever dated I don’t know, but like I said he was hot and I wanted me some. Turns out we are better as friends because I can listen to the stupid shit he does and not be the one he is doing it too. Not that I haven’t thrown a book at him once or twice when just merely hearing his antics made me realize that he needed a book thrown at him in order to get a clue, and yes I threw an encyclopedia at him. I would have thrown the computer at him and told him to wikipedia this shit, but I love my computer to much to have him touch it. So anyways my dear friend, who is gorgeous, and really a lot of fun does the lamest things all because he has no self esteem. I Know this because I have to hear him put himself down. Now it’s not the kind of put down were he is saying it to fish for a compliment or see how his friends feel about him, he really believes the shit that comes out of his mouth! Thus the need to throw things at him as he ruins yet another amazing relationship with the man of his dreams because he can’t see why we all love him. MEN!

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