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Well Hung Black Man Myth, Legend, or Guy Next Door

Dear Blog land and my fellow Blog-ians, yes I am going there and you can not stop me. Now I am not complaining about the black dick I have had, lord knows it was satisfying down to the anal squirting that was created from his lushness, but I am saying that it wasn’t like a babies arm or baseball bat coming at me. Black gay videos lied to me and gave me a false impression of reality. BWAHAHAHA, that should be a lesson to anyone who uses porn to educate them on sex and human bodies. Good lord had it been the size of a baseball bat I may have run screaming from the room. OK, no I wouldn’t have but I digress. I just have found that on average it’s usually above average, but not King Kong above average. It is not like I have been with a good portion of the black population to say what all the sizes of dicks are generally like, but lets face it, boys talk and all my female friends feel the need to talk to me, so you get a pretty rough estimate that most men regardless of heritage are all packing about an average cock.

Now with that said, holy crap I can’t wait till my next date with captain big dick, and yes I Have dubbed him that and call him CBD to his face. He is gorgeous, dark dark chocolate with a smile that will weaken your knees. That man, can’t call him a boy, hell no to that. This man is at least three fingers thick and a length that will clean you tonsils and some. Now a bet you all are like so what is with the big dramatic title and the forever rant about men have average dicks and you ain’t found one yet. First of all never said I didn’t find one, just said I haven’t had a baseball bat coming at me and second of all I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me. I’m a boy who likes many different flavors of men and it wasn’t always the size that kept me coming back for more.

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