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Hung Dudes: I Always Appreciate the Bottoms Who Can Handle ‘Em

I know from experience that it takes quite a lot of getting used to before any gay, pornstar or not, can take a seriously large cock in their ass like the hung dudes in gay porn flicks have. I actually am not all that impressed with the sheer length and girth of hung guys that just waive their man meat around like a glorified sausage affixed to their crotch; I appreciate a “handsome” cock that stands up straight when its erect, doesn’t bend off to one side, and really love it when the head sticks out from the shaft like a baby’s arm holding a ripe red apple, and I doubt that I am the only gay guy in the world with this opinion. The truth is that hung dudes may dominate the straight adult media world, heck the most legendary porn star of all time- Ron Jeremy- had little going for him looks-wise, but managed to build an entire career for himself based on having being one of the most well hung guys in history, with sexual stamina to last for days at a time.

But when it comes to gay porn, even hung guys need to have a more complete package than just a heavy toolbox. Perfectly chiseled bodies seem to be a key feature for anything outside the bear and twink fetish niches, and pretty boy faces also dominate the front cover for any fresh mainstream DVD release, but even for hung dudes, they’ve got to have an asthetically pleasing cock for them to get my attention, and even then, I’m not sure I’d be willing to take the mammoth girth I’ve witnessed in some gay porn flicks. I guess from the comfort of my own home, watching hung guys in gay porn flicks fuck each other makes it seem like they’re all enjoying it, but I can tell from the size of some of those dicks, that it can’t be all that comfortable for the guy on the bottom.

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