Dear Blog Land and of course my fellow blog-ians, I tell you what a day! I can’t complain. I really though it was going to be a horrible day due to the simple fact that I had to act like an adult at the un godly hour of 9:30am. That was the time set for me to go down to my local health center and get tested for a sexually transmitted disease. What the Fuck! But I am proud to say that I kept the appointment and got my wonderful tushy down to the center and peed in a cup. I was mortified when I got the news last week and who I got the call from. I am all about the safe sex, but I will admit I have been slacking when it comes to my own safety and making sure I use a condemn every time. Well low and behold Mr. moves to fast called me up and said he tested positive and that I needed to go down even though I have had NO symptoms and it had been about a month and a half since the last time we were together. I was furious, embarrassed, and most of disappointed in myself for even getting myself into this situation. I wanted to ignore it and bury my head in the sand, or some kind of earth substance, but I didn’t. I realized I want sex A LOT, and I will want it again. If I’m carrying something that is horribly unfair of me to pass it on all because of my pride. So I went down and they had me pee. They gave me the oral antidote instead of a shot, so YAY! for me and not getting stuck by a needle. P.S. I hate needles! I will get the results in a couple of days and if it comes back positive, I already took care of it and if it comes back negative, well no harm no foul. On top of all this fabulousness I get back to my apartment and flop on the couch to revel in my adult like behavior, when I get jabbed in my back by something very solid. I reach behond me and low and behold my favorite bear porn that I lost like 2 months ago had worked it’s way out of my couch and into my hands. Life is Good!