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Men Dicks Glory Hole and Gets Stuck!

Dear blog land and my fellow blog-ions, I thought the title of this little piece might capture your attention! It does bring up a rather serious discussion that has been on my mind for awhile, glory holes. Yes I said it glory hole. How do we feel about these strange holes that we hear of like a mythical creature? The tall tale that you want so much to believe in and yet have no reason to believe in it at all. I’m mean really am I the only one who actively looks for these Bigfoot like anomalies that you would think you could find anywhere the way people go on and on? These holes located in a partition such as a bathroom stall or porn viewing room. These holes that need to be big enough for men dicks to be stuffed through and pleasured with a blow job or inserting into other holes. Also apparently there are rules on how to properly use such a lovely creation that ensures anonymity and really a free fuck or fling with someone, and sometimes maybe something, that you normally wouldn’t do. what are these rules in which I speak, well here let me fill you in. First of all if you are looking to have your penis sucked, then you should stand in front of the hole and wave your stiff cock around in front of it. If the other guy wants to suck it, he will stick his finger into the hole and tap the bottom of the hole a few times. That is your bat signal to go ahead and stick your junk in and get ready for the time of your life, and pray they don’t use teeth. So the question I have is when seriously am I going to come across one of these “glory holes”, one of these pleasures of the unknown? I ask in the porns for now.

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