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Straight Guys Gay Sex, What’s the Catch?

Ok, so we have all heard the term Gay for pay, correct? Most of these men claim to not be Bi-Sexual becuase they just needed the cash and let’s face it that got paid a shit more then they would of doing girl/guy porn. I just think it’s funny that they truelly beleive people fall for the marketing trick “Straight Guys try Gay Sex”. Let me break it down for you. They market men who are new to the gay pornography industry as straight men, becuase they appeal to the allure of being unattainable. I still have yet to meet a heterosexual male who would be willing to do “gay for pay”. Most guys I Have met who are willing to do guy/guy action have some bi-curiosity to begin with and that to me is more sexy then the unattainable. Because some gay men consider heterosexual men to be objects of fantasy, some gay porn producers have almost certainly described some actors as heterosexual to increase sales and publicity for their product. Don’t get me wrong I have looked across the room and had my mouth dropped to the floor before by a man and had them not be into me becuase I just wasn’t there physical type of beauty; and yes I have had the unrealistic hope that one day they would come for me becuase they find something about me that really makes them hard! It’s a fantasy! Maybe it’s just me but really if I know they are not into me because of my gender it’s more frustrating to have hope that they will decide to give me a try. I would never say never try for the unattainable goal, in life, as far as what you want to be when you grow up and where do you want to go. But love, alas, is a bitch and why make it harder on your heart when you can just have fun masturbating to the notion.

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