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Straight Porn for Gay Men Makes More Sense

Dear Blog land and my fellow Blog-ians, today is just so blah. Yesterday exciting and wonderful news, today is just sort of blah. Oh wait I already said that. See, see how humdrum I am. I swear drama happens everyday whether I like it or not and it keeps me on my toes, brings new adventures around every door and corner, except today.
Well I guess I haven’t actually done anything as of yet, but I’m being a bit of a fraidy-cat. So one of my neighbors in my apartment complex has come up on my radar, and the man is fucking hot. The kind of Hot you read about in my blog posts after blog posts. He has some scruff on his face, some meat on him, eyes that you could get lost in, and really I just want to tear his clothes off and hope he reciprocates my actions. He is a little shorter then me but as he is a bit stockier then me so I’m fine with having an inch or two on him. It’s not like one of my former lovers that I had a a whole 5 to 6 inches over him. My lovely sister always likes to say what an odd pair we were, and we were in more then just the physical department. We made about as much sense as a straight porn for a gay guy.
Anyways I digress. So this super hot neighbor of mine who’s close I want to rip off I can’t get a read on him. AT ALL. You know most of the time you get a feel for someone if they are interested in you or sort of interested you can tell. This one nothing! He smiles, he acknowledges my waves of hello I want to rip your clothes off. Ok, well he probably doesn’t know the difference between my polite Hi/Hello wave and my HELLoooooo, let’s fuck wave, but give him time I think we can make this work. If I can ever leave my apartment again to make a big bold advance on him. I guess time will tell.

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