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What Truely is in a Name Gay Jock Porn?

Dear Blog land and fellow blog-ians, what is in a name? More specifically what is in a genre’s name? I suck at genre’s. I’m the last person you want to ask when it comes to what genre something falls into becuase I will most likely lead you astray. I guess I like so many different styles of everything, music, fashion, literature, porn that I hate pigeon holing myself into a specific genre, therefore I refuse to learn the appropriate genre things belong to. Though not knowing genres makes it a pain in the ass to try and find anything when you go to the store. But I figure the employees should no more about these things then me, right? I mean they work there, and even if it isn’t there field of expertise they have fancy computer registers these days they should be able to look it up for me. You would think this right? You should know this down to your very fiber to be true, employees are hired in retail to be helpful, useful if you will, even dare I say knowledgeable about the store they work at. Even if they are hired and don’t know shit about the products they are selling they are at least required to learn about it, even if it is through osmosis, I don’t care how they educate themselves but they should know something! So why, why?! When I go to the adult shop aka Heaven on Earth, I shit you not they really named it that. It should have been more like Tissue Litters the Ground, but I digress. I very specifically ask them for Rocky Mountain Bears, they send me to the Gay Jock Porn section of the store? Really, the sections have these fucked up plagues telling you what section of the store your in. Ok I may suck at genres but really? Jock Porn? HELLO the title has Bears in it why the hell wouldn’t you have it in the Bear section? One quick look around and that was answered they don’t even have a bear section! Heaven on Earth my Bear-less wonders think again!

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