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Uncut Gay Cock For Me Not You

Dear Blog-land and my fellow Blog-ians I had a most wonderful dream last night, I awoke happy and refreshed till I remembered it was a dream and felt crushed all over again. I had a dream about my favorite ex who I still pine for, sad but true. We could fight about anything, but most of all we could laugh about everything. Ugh I sound like a freaking hallmark card. Any who he was amazing-ness all rolled up into a five foot eight package of Dominican yummy-ness! That’s right he was a rocket in bed and new how to fuck me hard and fast like I like it. He was the first man I was ever with to have an uncut gay penis and I never really realized how pretty a penis could be. It was like a surprise package that came out to play just for me, until I learned later (after I had moved and we promised to give it a year, but that’s another story) it wasn’t just for me and thus the ex title! It was a fat cock that I had no problems dropping to my knees to start sucking when he whipped it out! He would tease me how docile I would become after sex and I would tell him if he gave it to me more often maybe I wouldn’t argue so much. Far from true but hey I can dream of more sex can’t I? I know this really shouldn’t be the most important thing I remember but it is the only thing I can type about that won’t start the aching pain all over again. I moved 500 miles away and that’s when I found out about the sharing of said pretty uncut cock and we started drifting apart. He would tell me to remember the things that made me smile. The things we did that made me laugh. Those quirky moments the two of us shared. The only problem with all of that is those are the same things that bring the tears.

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